On May 6th, MPNRF will celebrate our 2nd annual Founder’s Day in memory of Robert (Bob) Rosen, the person who founded the MPN Research Foundation 20 years ago. May 6th is particularly special as it was Bob’s birthday, and we look forward to celebrating his legacy on this day for years to come.
Bob was diagnosed with polycythemia vera (PV) at a time when finding information about his disease was difficult, and when the medical and research community didn’t know very much about what was making him sick. He knew that something had to change, so he decided to harness the power of individual donors to spark original research in the MPN field. Twenty years, $15 million dollars and 75 funded research projects later, he did just that. Unfortunately, Bob passed away in January 2018 after his PV progressed to myelofibrosis and unexpectedly developed AML unresponsive to treatment.
Bob instilled in all of us the knowledge that we walked with the power of the patients we serve, and we march together towards our shared goal that can come to fruition with enough effort, investment and time. We didn’t have to do what was predictable; we could take risks. It is our job to take risks in order to move the science forward. Walk with us, for Bob and every other patient with a Myeloproliferative Neoplasm.
If you want to help us continue Bob’s legacy, please click HERE and make a gift to the Robert Rosen Memorial Fund.