Participate in a New Online Survey by Patient Power
As researchers around the world seek to accelerate progress in medicine it’s important for patients to share their stories to promote greater understanding. To that end, Patient Power has partnered with Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju, an MPN researcher and clinician at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston to find out more about how patients use online resources to guide their care. By taking just a few minutes – and with your privacy protected – you can help advance care for yourself and the entire MPN Community. Thank you in advance for your participation!
The information collected in this survey will be used as part of a study. The personally-identifying information collected in this survey will be kept in strictest confidence. Prior to analyzing the data, personally identifying information and the data represented in the published results will be aggregated and summarized at a group level. By taking this survey, you are agreeing to share your medical information with researchers.