On January 13, 2014 The MPN Research Foundation sent its Deputy Director Michelle Woehrle and MF patient Patrick Corcoran to OVAC’s annual meeting to advocate on behalf of people living with PV, ET, and MF. The goal of the meeting was to review Legislative Outreach strategies for 2014 and review funding requests OVAC and member agencies would be making to the federal government in 2014 and 2015.
The group of approximatly 50 also discussed group requests for additional funding for cancer registries and the NCI as well as individual requests we may do based on our interests.
MPNRF joined OVAC in 2013 in order to expand the voice of patients and MPN researchers into the legislative process. In addition to the Annual Meeting, we’ve attended one Lobby Day and are planning on taking part in the Grassroots Lobby day this March.