Due to the global pandemic, MPNRF has fielded questions and dealt with the anxiety and unease of the MPN patient community. We have put together a resource page, linking to many wonderful pieces that have been produced by other advocates and the researcher community. We want to build on this by hosting a Twitter chat on the topic of MPN and COVID-19, answering the questions that patients are frequently asking, and sharing what information that is known now, or what is informing clinical care in real life. Our goal is not only to continue to provide MPN patients access to the most updated and respected information but to share what you as leaders in the field know about this, which may not be appreciated by some outside of major centers such as yourselves. We will catalog the responses on our website, send a link of the hashtag to our email list as well as the patients in our database, fellow advocates, and support group coordinators.
The chat will begin at 12:00 pm CST, to join, search the hashtag #MPNandCOVID19 on Twitter. Make sure to use this hashtag in every tweet and reply. MPNRF will pose the questions and Drs. Robyn Scherber and Sangeetha Venugopal will moderate the chat to stimulate the conversation. Please jump into the discussion at any time!