Dear member of the MPN community,
Each year when preparing this letter, the reality of our accomplishments and the progress in the entire MPN community leave us with a great sense of pride and renewed hope for the future.
Walking the Walk
To date, the MPN Research Foundation has awarded over $8.2 million for medical research and will commit significant funds over the next two years. We’ve awarded over thirty multi-year research grants that have made significant scientific advances. This year, we awarded three $150,000 Established Investigator Awards, each renewable for a second year. Additionally, we awarded three New Investigator Awards at $75,000. Over the past six years, the Foundation capitalized on key scientific discoveries including the JAK2 gene mutation by creating the MPN Research Alliance which moved this discovery from the bench to the bedside. We funded the first large-scale bio bank of MPN patient samples that were collected at the Mayo Clinic and provided critical support to understanding causes and disease progression. We are now funding genome sequencing and understand the importance and immense contribution to MPN research this will make. The MPN Research Foundation remains flexible and able to react to the needs of the MPN community with great speed and commitment.
Patient Advocacy and Education Add a Key Element to our Mission
The MPN Research Foundation provides comprehensive and accurate information on the MPN science and treatments to the MPN community through our website, which was completely overhauled this year, through educational symposia across the country, patient support groups, and one -on -one interaction with patients at every opportunity. As a successful, powerful patient advocacy group we have been able to influence government agencies and industry health organizations on issues affecting MPNs. We participate in associations that support and foster our mission and maintain ongoing relationships and memberships with ASCO, ASH, NORD, the FDA, NIH, NCI, CDC, the Health Resource Alliance and all other groups that improve our reach and influence. The Foundation provided resources for the environmental study in Pennsylvania, which has since been awarded several million dollars by the US government for continued research. The Foundation makes personal visits to cancer centers across the country to meet with hematologists who see MPN patients to acquaint them with our work and to better equip them with the information our patients need.
You Have Made a Difference
None of the accomplishments would be realized without you. In the next few weeks, you will be receiving our annual appeal letter. For those of you wishing to make your donation online you may do so today and use this tax-deductible contribution for 2011.
Thank you for making a difference this year! Have a wonderful, healthy, Holiday Season!
Ann Brazeau
Vice President of Development