Supporting the MPN Research Foundation

Together, let’s change your prognosis

Thank you for considering a gift of securities in support of the MPN Research Foundation. Gifts of securities often confer significant tax benefits on a donor. For example, contributions of appreciated securities held for over a year are generally deductible at market value, regardless of what the donor paid for them; moreover, the capital gains tax is avoided through such a gift.

To Make a Gift of Securities

To notify the MPN Research Foundation of a gift of securities, please contact William Crowley by phone at 312/683-7226 or email at

We will need this information:

  • Your name, address, and phone number
  • The name and type of securities to be gifted (public, private, restricted, mutual fund, etc.),
  • The number of shares,
  • The date you intend to make the gift.

William Crowley
Director of Development
180 N. Michigan, Suite 1870
Chicago, IL 60601

P: 312/683-7226
F: 312/332-0840

Types of Transfers

1) DTC Transfer of Stock

To transfer securities to the MPN Research Foundation via DTC, please use the following instructions:

DTC #0226
Account Name: MPN Research Foundation

Account No. NTR-013013
In order to promptly and accurately credit a security gift to the appropriate donor, it is essential that the transfer instructions include your name and address. Without this information, we are occasionally unable to identify the donors of certain securities.

If your broker requires further information, he or she should contact William Crowley by phone at 312/683-7226 or email at or

Marilou Marich,
Sr. VP of Operations|
North Star Investments Services

Phone: 312/580-1046
Fax: 312/580-1058

It is very important to us that we appropriately acknowledge the generosity of our benefactors in a timely and accurate manner. It can be difficult to identify the donor after a gift of securities is processed, particularly in the case of an electronic transfer. Therefore, please ask your broker to include your name and address in the DTC transfer instructions, and also please William Crowley of your gift by email, phone, or letter (see contact information above).

2) Mutual Fund Transfer

Mutual fund units cannot be electronically transferred via DTC.

The method used to transfer mutual funds to the MPN Research Foundation varies, depending on how the fund units are held. Please contact William Crowley to determine if a MPN Research Foundation account exists.

3) Physical Delivery of Appreciated Securities

Stocks and bonds may be sent to the MPN Research Foundation office by certified U.S. mail with return receipt requested.

If you are the registered owner of the certificate, a Stock and Bond Power signed by the you, exactly as the name appears on the certificate, with a Medallion signature (which you can likely obtain through a bank or broker) must be provided. To ensure your security, please mail the certificate and Stock and Bond Power separately.
If the stock or bond has already been registered to the MPN Research Foundation, no Stock and Bond Power is necessary. However, in order for the MPN Research Foundation to properly credit the gift, a letter identifying the donor is essential.

In instances where a stock or bond is to be registered to the MPN Research Foundation before it is mailed to us, you will be required to supply the transfer agent with the following mailing address and taxpayer identification number:

The MPN Research Foundation
Development Office
180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1870

Chicago, IL 60601

Gift Valuation Date

  1. Physical Securities
    The gift valuation date for physical securities is determined by the postmark on the envelope used to mail the securities. For hand delivery of securities, the gift valuation date is the date the securities are turned over to an MPN Research Foundation representative.
  2. Electronic Transfers
    The gift valuation date for securities sent to us via DTC is the date the securities are deposited into our North Star Investment Services account.
  3. Mutual Fund Transfer
    The gift valuation date for mutual fund units is the date they are deposited into our North Star Investment Services account or into a mutual fund account in the MPN Research Foundation’s name.


Valuation Method

The value of a stock gift is calculated by averaging the high and low quoted selling prices for the stock as of the gift valuation date. The value of a bond gift is calculated by averaging the bid and ask prices for the bond as of the gift valuation date. The value of a mutual fund gift is calculated using the Net Asset Value (NAV) for the fund as of the gift valuation date.

Acknowledgment of Gift

As soon as a securities gift is received and matched to a donor, the Development Office sends an acknowledgment letter stating the nature of the gift, the gift valuation date, and the gift valuation amount. A more personal acknowledgment will also be sent from the Foundation, stating that no goods or services were exchanged for the security gift.

Please note: The MPN Research Foundation is a non-profit organization and does not provide tax, legal, or financial advice. Any document or information shared by our staff is intended to be educational. We strongly encourage donors to seek counsel from their own legal and financial advisors. Please be aware that any information or documents shared by our staff cannot be used to avoid tax-related penalties.


Take the steps you need to help change your prognosis.